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This is my final journal entry, which is a reflection on the history of graphic design, mostly through the eyes of Megg's (2016). 

My task? Compare two periods of graphic design and choose which is the better one and why. 

My simple answer is, you cannot simply choose one over the other, as each period builds on each other throughout the history of design from caveman paintings to the digital age. It would be like picking on period in human history that is better than the last. 

For example, art nouveau had a tremendous influence on the 70's psychedelic poster art era. Is one era better than the other? I think the art nouveau period was innovative for its time - bold, graphic designs with colors not typically used in previous periods. The craftsmanship was incredible for the period. The 1960's and 1970's was also innovative in its own right. Graphic designers were exploring and experimenting with revival art as well as innovating their own designs. The aesthetic during this period was more free-form and one did not necessarily have to be a classically trained artist to be successful. More women in the 70's were becoming recognized for their designs and hard work during this period, and were even starting their own design studios. Graphic art became more commercialized, as well as questioned social issues.

Bradley - His Book - Art Nouveau Poster - Advertising Mixed Media by Studio  Grafiikka

A Psychedellic Poster

Tripping out: The history of psychedelic design - 99designs
Ironically, or maybe not, but maybe specifically by design - both the art nouveau and the 1970s psychedelic design aesthetic have influenced modern day designs. And so the historic design influences continue throughout the ages. 
Ballhooter Festival poster design
SRT Car Care T-Shirt design

To pick a design period as my favorite is truly an impossible task to make. Throughout this historic discovery of art, inventions, and learning about the people that got us to where we are today, I feel that every period is significant and has its benefits and has contributed to our historic timeline. Like the cavemen that came before us - we are drawn to design, art, and communication. We will always look to the past to redesign the future and I am forever grateful for this project. 

Here are the links to my thoughts on previous periods in history:
