Module 6 - Early 20th Century Graphic Design - Chapters 13 to 15 This week I'm focusing my attention on Hannah Höch, who was born in 1889 and lived in Weimar, Germany during the height of World War I - which had a major influence on her dynamic and groundbreaking style of art. Höch was a member of the German Dada group, which was considered a satirical group of artists (established in 1916) that was born from opposition to WWI and conventional art of the period ( ). Their art frequently made fun of the culture and German society stemming from the current political issues of the day ( ). Höch's typical art consisted of carefully constructed collages with her medium created from magazines, fashion publica...
My thoughts on Meggs' History of Graphic Design.
Meggs, P. B., Purvis, A. W., & Meggs, P. B. (2016). Meggs' history of graphic design - 6th edition.